Sierra Nevada Ski resort


Sierra Nevada ski resort
Sierra Nevada ski resort

The Sierra Nevada ski resort is the most southerly ski resort in Europe and consequently has a lot of sunshine. Sierra Nevada literally means “Snowy Mountain Range” and includes some of the highest peaks in Europe with Mulhacen the highest at 3,482m. It has the best snow and the longest season in the whole of Spain with normally 5 months of snow from December to the end of April. The resort has 61km of ski slopes and is open from 9 am to 5 pm daily. However, if you are thinking of going you should always check snow levels first. (You can check this on our link page). You can hire all the equipment there. It takes an hour and a half to two hours to get there from the cortijos and you take the same turn off as the Alhambra, signposted clearly for Sierra Nevada. This turn off from the motorway is just before Granada.

Our advice is that you stay somewhere nearer than our Cortijos.  However during the warmer months of the year when the Ski resort is closed you can combine Alhambra and the Sierra Nevada ski resort together and have a drive up there. It is very picturesque up there even during the summer months.

For further information about Ski resort please see the link in our link pages